Building a Test Feed

Migrating a Feed

How to migrate a feed built elsewhere to Graze

Let's walk through the process of migrating a feed you've built elsewhere onto Graze. We've built tools to make this as easy as possible!

When you migrate a feed to Graze, your likes and subscribers will come across and the feed will continue without interruption. The hosting will move to Graze. But we can't import the logic or settings you've used with another feed builder.

So, before you migrate a feed, you'll want to make sure you have the logic on Graze working the way you want it to, so your feed continues happily. The easiest way to do that is to build a test feed first.

Building a Test Feed

Before you bring your feed over, you can build a duplicate of it on Graze to make sure that the logic is working the way you intend it.

Let's start with this feed I've built on Skyfeed, which is designed to show posts about The Last of Us, both the video game and the tv series.

This feed has pretty simple logic. It includes posts in English, it looks for the text "TLOU" and "last of us", and it excludes replies. So, let's set up a test feed in Graze that does the same. If you haven't built a feed on Graze before, start with our guide to Creating Your First Feed, so that the below all makes sense.

We'll begin with our feed name and description (you can call this something like "testing" or "staging" if you prefer so it's not confusing).

Now we can pop in the logic nodes that represent the original feed's settings:

Let's create this test feed and publish it.

Now we have two feeds on Bluesky that should behave identically. We can watch these for a little bit, make sure that our test feed is working correctly, and If it's not we can work through the troubleshooting in Testing and Fixing your Feed.

Migrating the feed

Now we're ready to migrate our original feed, bringing over the subscribers and likes to Graze.

Note: these are tied to the original feed slug, so you do not want to change that on Graze or it will break these links. If you forget this, don't worry. Just change the feed slug back to the one you originally had (from wherever you built the feed) and the links will be restored.

Let's head back to the Dashboard and choose to create a new feed.

This time, instead of starting a new feed description, we're going to use the migration tool:

First, we will get a warning popover to make sure we understand what's happening:

Then we are shown a list of all feeds that are built with other platforms. We can choose the one we'd like to migrate:

Once we choose our feed, we'll be shown the editor, with blank template logic. We want to switch from the canvas view to the JSON view:

Now all we need to do is go and copy the JSON from our test feed, and paste it over to our migrated feed!

That's it! Now we hit the Migrate button:

And then our final step is to hit Publish:

Now we have our feed, with the right logic, hosted on Graze with its post history, subscribers and likes!

Your old feed platform

Once you've completed the migration, you shouldn't revisit your feed in your old feed builder again. If you accidentally republish using your old feed, you may break things! The best thing to do is to leave it where it is, back slowly away, and never go back!